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Monday, April 28

9:30am PDT

Healing Connections: Prioritizing Wellness to Empower Professionals Supporting Trauma-Impacted Students
Monday April 28, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am PDT
Discover how educator wellness and understanding trauma can transform student success. This session explores the vital connection between personal self-care, mindfulness practices, and fostering belonging to support students experiencing trauma and attendance challenges. Learn how to identify your own triggers, practice mindfulness, and create a stable, inclusive environment that empowers student resilience. Through interactive activities and actionable strategies, participants will leave with tools to enhance their own well-being while fostering meaningful connections with their students. Prioritize your wellness and positively impact the lives of students facing adversity.
avatar for Leanne Windmiller

Leanne Windmiller

Director of Student Services, Springs Charter Schools
In October 2022, Leanne Windmiller took on the role of Director of Student Services at Springs Charter Schools, drawing upon her extensive 20-year background in various educational capacities. Her wide-ranging experience spans roles such as Montessori teacher, long-term substitute... Read More →
Monday April 28, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am PDT

11:00am PDT

SEL for Teachers: Driving Improved Behavior Outcomes at Val Verde
Monday April 28, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm PDT
This session examines how integrating SEL within PBIS and MTSS frameworks can improve teacher utilization, student behavior, and school climate. Using findings from a pilot study at Val Verde Unified School District, we’ll explore how teacher utilization of SEL grew from 8% to 75%, and how their students developed:
  • Stronger SEL competencies
  • Improved behavior, and
  • Better conflict resolution skills
Attendees will gain practical strategies to increase teacher buy-in and implementation fidelity, align SEL with academic and behavioral goals, and strengthen stakeholder support for sustainable SEL integration and higher ROI (return on investment). Through discussion, reflection, and interactive activities, participants will walk away with concrete tools to address implementation challenges and enhance SEL practices in their schools.
avatar for Christina Whalen PhD

Christina Whalen PhD

Head of Research and Instructional Design, Moozoom
Dr. Christina Whalen, Ph.D., BCBA-D, is a psychologist and behavior analyst specializing in Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), diversity, and inclusive curriculum design. With over 20 years of experience, she has led the development of evidence-based, culturally responsive SEL programs... Read More →

Darren Crist

PBIS Teacher, Val Verded USD

Monica A. Martinez

Counselor, Val Verde USD
Monday April 28, 2025 11:00am - 12:15pm PDT

2:30pm PDT

Positive Alternatives to Problematic Behaviors: Building Bridges through Preventive and Restorative Practices
Monday April 28, 2025 2:30pm - 3:45pm PDT
Students sometimes express their respectable and valid goals, values, challenges and pain through problematic behaviors. This presentation and facilitated discussion will identify activities and social-emotional learning that support prevention and provide positive, viable alternatives to the problematic behaviors. We can highlight and provide these opportunities for students to experience  ̶  often led by students. This approach is a key alternative to punitive, exclusionary practices! This workshop stands alone and supports another presentation, Drum Circle (real): A Participatory Example of Positive Alternatives to Negative Behavior.
avatar for Dan Sackheim

Dan Sackheim

Education Programs Consultant, California Department of Education
Dan Sackheim is statewide program lead for the California Department of Education for several types of public schools and programs for at-risk/at-promise students including community day schools, continuation education and opportunity education, and preventive and restorative approaches... Read More →
Monday April 28, 2025 2:30pm - 3:45pm PDT
Tuesday, April 29

8:30am PDT

Drug Diversion Program
Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT

Riverside Unified School District, in response to increased suspensions and expulsions related to substance use, recognized the need for intervention. A multidisciplinary committee was formed to revise the district's disciplinary policy regarding marijuana and alcohol. Through the work of the committee, a subgroup of SAP Counselors worked together to create curriculum for the student Drug Diversion Program. The goal of the program is to reduce expulsions as well as provide psychoeducation to reduce and/or eliminate marijuana and alcohol use. Students are provided the option to attend 3 classes for a total of 12 hours. Classes are taught primarily by SAP Counselors.
avatar for Andrea Salazar

Andrea Salazar

Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counselor/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Riverside Unified School District
Andrea Salazar is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has been a SAP Counselor for 10 school years in the secondary setting. Andrea started at a Middle School and is now a Lead SAP Counselor at a Wellness Center at a high school. She also serves as part of the leadership... Read More →

Melissa Pinkerton

Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counselor/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Riverside Unified School District
Melissa Pinkerton is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and holds a PPS Credential for School Counseling. She has been a SAP Counselor for 10 school years in the secondary setting. Melissa started at a Middle School and is now a Lead SAP Counselor at a Wellness Center at a high... Read More →

Ana Garcia

Student Assistance Program (SAP) Counselor/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Riverside Unified School District
Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT

10:00am PDT

Creating and Sustaining Mental Health and Wellness Services
Tuesday April 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am PDT
This proposal outlines a fiscally sustainable framework to build and maintain comprehensive mental health programs in TK-12 schools. By creating a robust mental health continuum on campus, schools can address the varied social, emotional, and mental health needs of students while simultaneously developing a pipeline of qualified mental health professionals.  The primary goal is to ensure the sustainability of mental health programs by leveraging resources to train and retain professionals who can support students’ mental well-being while advancing their own career pathways toward licensure.
Tuesday April 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am PDT

1:45pm PDT

Supporting Teen Parents: A three branch approach
Tuesday April 29, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm PDT
This presentation focuses on the rights and protections for pregnant and parenting students, covering three key areas: reproductive health, parenting, and academic/social supports. Students are entitled to accommodations such as eight weeks of parental leave, excused absences for caring for a sick child, and lactation rooms. Under Title IX and California law, schools must prevent discrimination and ensure pregnant students remain full participants in education. Unfortunately, many students are unaware of these rights, leading to alternative schooling or dropout. This presentation aims to raise awareness and ensure that students receive the accommodations they are entitled to.
avatar for Michelle Sapanara

Michelle Sapanara

Assistant Superintendent, Springs Charter Schools
Michelle Sapanara currently serves the students and families of Springs Charter School as Assistant Superintendent, Student Services. In this role Michelle is responsible for student support services which includes coordinated school health and behavioral health services, school counseling... Read More →
Tuesday April 29, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm PDT

3:15pm PDT

A School District's Student & Educator Well Being
Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT
Riverside Unified School District’s Department of Wellness and Engagement supports students demonstrating social, emotional, and/or behavioral concerns impacting their ability to fully participate in daily instruction, school activities, or their overall educational experience with licensed therapists, school psychologists, and prevention assistants. The
program focuses on developing supports for students facing non-academic barriers to their learning. The department also supports a thriving structure for enhancing employee well-being.
Participants will gain knowledge about:
RUSD’s innovative program that includes 42 licensed therapists, 8 school psychologists, 20 prevention assistants, and a teacher on special assignment. Consider how attendees might implement a similar structure for counseling, behavior support, and the well-being of employees. These structures work within the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework.
avatar for Katarina Roy Schanz

Katarina Roy Schanz

Director, Riverside Unified
Dr. Katarina Roy Schanz serves as the Director of Wellness and Engagement for the Riverside Unified School District. In her previous roles of school counselor, assistant principal, and school principal, she saw the clear need for supporting the overall well-being of students and staff... Read More →
Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT
Wednesday, April 30

8:30am PDT

Support Over Suspension: Building Bridges for Student Wellness
Wednesday April 30, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT
Join us as we explore ways to implement and strengthen alternatives to suspension for substance use in schools. We will review strategies for gaining buy-in, showcase youth insights, and build your capacity to reframe the issue from discipline and punishment to meaningful student support. Participants will be introduced to a comprehensive toolkit with step-by-step guidance and resources to help districts and schools adopt supportive approaches effectively.
avatar for Stephan Lambert

Stephan Lambert

Prevention Coordinator, Orange County Department of Education
Stephan Lambert is the Prevention Coordinator at the Orange County Department of Education. He has sixteen years of experience in substance use prevention, positive youth development, family and community engagement, and developmental asset building. In his role at OCDE, he supports... Read More →
avatar for Samantha Kelley

Samantha Kelley

Program Specialist, Orange County Department of Education
Wednesday April 30, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT

10:00am PDT

Healing Effects of Social Connection within our Schools and Community
Wednesday April 30, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am PDT
Loneliness harms both individual and societal health. In adults, it is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death. The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is like smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day. In students, a lack of friendship can result in academic underachievement, mental health issues, and impaired brain development. We will look at current data on friendships in the workplace and schools and use research from the Blue Zones and the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory report on loneliness to share ways to foster a sense of community both within the school setting and community.
avatar for Barbara Sorter, Ed.D.

Barbara Sorter, Ed.D.

Executive Director, Special Education, Riverside County Office of Education
Dr. Sorter is the Executive Director of Special Education for Riverside County Office of Education and a Commissioner for the CDE Advisory Commission on Special Education. Dr. Sorter holds certifications in the 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, ADR & Conflict Mediation... Read More →
Wednesday April 30, 2025 10:00am - 11:15am PDT
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