Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT
Riverside Unified School District’s Department of Wellness and Engagement supports students demonstrating social, emotional, and/or behavioral concerns impacting their ability to fully participate in daily instruction, school activities, or their overall educational experience with licensed therapists, school psychologists, and prevention assistants. The
program focuses on developing supports for students facing non-academic barriers to their learning. The department also supports a thriving structure for enhancing employee well-being.
Participants will gain knowledge about:
RUSD’s innovative program that includes 42 licensed therapists, 8 school psychologists, 20 prevention assistants, and a teacher on special assignment. Consider how attendees might implement a similar structure for counseling, behavior support, and the well-being of employees. These structures work within the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework.
avatar for Katarina Roy Schanz

Katarina Roy Schanz

Director, Riverside Unified
Dr. Katarina Roy Schanz serves as the Director of Wellness and Engagement for the Riverside Unified School District. In her previous roles of school counselor, assistant principal, and school principal, she saw the clear need for supporting the overall well-being of students and staff... Read More →
Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT

Attendees (1)

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