Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT
Chronic absenteeism poses a significant obstacle to student success and overall academic performance. Nevertheless, through strategic partnerships and expanded learning initiatives, schools can effectively confront this challenge and cultivate a culture of consistent attendance and active participation.

In this interactive workshop, participants will delve into the innovative approaches spearheaded by the Garvey School District in collaboration with expanded learning provider, Woodcraft Rangers. Together, they have established a comprehensive network of support and opportunities aimed at engaging and retaining students. From developing community and culturally tailored programs to providing immediate assistance for unhoused or foster youth, the partnership between Garvey and Woodcraft has capitalized on their respective strengths to optimize student engagement.


Danny Salas

Chief Program Officer, Woodcraft Rangers
Danny Salas, Chief Program Officer, Woodcraft Rangers, leads diverse expanded learning programs, overseeing a team of directors, program managers, and 850+ site coordinators and club leaders. Instrumental in the formation of partnerships that support inclusion of neurodiverse and... Read More →

Bulmaro Magallon

Director of Family Services, Garvey School District
Tuesday April 29, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm PDT

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