Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT
In TVUSD, we have seen a dramatic increase in challenging behaviors from general education students, specifically at the elementary school level. This has resulted in a significant increase in referrals for special education assessments. Over the past year we have worked tirelessly to develop resources and provide support to our elementary sites to ensure that these students have access to all of the targeted interventions and supports necessary to mitigate their behavior and afford them increased success in the general education setting, rather than relying on our special education department to address these concerns. We want to be sure that the students who are referred to special education are only at that point because they have been given every opportunity to find success in the least restrictive environment, first. This presentation is a showcase of the resources we have created, the steps we have taken, our successes/challenges, the work we have done, and our next steps as we navigate this challenge in our district.

Samantha Sellars

Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Temecula Valley Unified School District
avatar for Kelly Gradstein

Kelly Gradstein

Director of Student Wellness, Outreach, and Engagement, Temecula Valley Unified School District
As the Director of Student Wellness, Outreach, and Engagement, I am responsible for supporting Health Services, the Social-Emotional Learning Team, and for providing site support to Administrators across our district in the areas of student discipline, enrollment, attendance, and... Read More →

Lindsay Mason

School Counselor, TVUSD

Tanya Sybert

MTSS/PBIS Teacher on Special Assignment, Temecula Valley Unified School District
Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 9:45am PDT

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