Monday April 28, 2025 2:30pm - 3:45pm PDT
This session adopts an equity-centered approach by prioritizing the needs and dignity of all students, particularly those from historically marginalized or underserved communities. The focus on restorative practices ensures that disciplinary measures are fair, inclusive, and non-punitive, addressing the root causes of misconduct rather than perpetuating exclusionary practices like suspensions and expulsions, which disproportionately impact students of color, students with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations.
By integrating effective threat management, the session also emphasizes proactive strategies that ensure a safe learning environment for all students, preventing biased or inequitable responses to potential safety concerns. The goal is to create a supportive school culture that values each student’s unique circumstances, fosters a sense of belonging, and promotes personal and academic growth through guidance, relationship-building, and access to resources.
This holistic approach helps dismantle systemic barriers, promotes equity in school discipline, and ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.
avatar for Sarah Adams

Sarah Adams

Senior Director of Student Support Services, Springs Charter Schools
Sarah Adams has over  20 years of experience in a multitude of settings and grade spans and currently serves as the Senior Director of Student Support Services for Springs Charter Schools. Prior to that, she was a charter school principal for over 12 years in both K-8 and 6-12th... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Sapanara

Michelle Sapanara

Assistant Superintendent, Springs Charter Schools
Michelle Sapanara currently serves the students and families of Springs Charter School as Assistant Superintendent, Student Services. In this role Michelle is responsible for student support services which includes coordinated school health and behavioral health services, school counseling... Read More →
Monday April 28, 2025 2:30pm - 3:45pm PDT

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