Monday April 28, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am PDT
As we continue to analyze and evaluate various strategies to combat chronic absenteeism within our student populations, Micha Saenz and Gabby Britt review the multiple barriers to school attendance, vulnerable student populations, and how chronic stress contributes to chronic absenteeism. They will also provide in-depth and invaluable strategies to assist school districts in developing strategic plans to support their students in multiple domains. In this presentation, they will offer comprehensive school-wide approaches and interventions to support students by removing barriers, providing targeted support, and accessing necessary, school-based and community-based resources  

Gabriella Britt

Social Worker, Kern High School District
I am a school social worker for the Kern High School District, housed at the district office.  I am responsible for working with the McKinney-Vento students and families within the KHSD.  I provide resources and facilitate linkage to assist students and families in meeting their... Read More →
Monday April 28, 2025 9:30am - 10:45am PDT

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